Weekly Prayer Opportunities

Weekly Prayer Opportunities

Hello Everybody,

As many of you already know – Lakeside Regional is encouraging everyone to be part of a small group – and that prayer for the forgiveness of sin and the healing of our land be a significant part of what we do (2 Chronicals 7:14).

We are called to pray:

  • That God would supernaturally draw His church to this time of Prayer.
  • That He would sustain us with the motivation, energy and commitment needed to accomplish this call. 
  • That the church would seek to be pure in God’s sight. 
  • That we would have a humility and repentance that God accepts. 
  • That God would give us personal revelation and conviction of sin. 
  • For a Great awakening, The rebirth of many people through surrender to Jesus Christ. 
  • For our Nation – prayer to pull down that which is evil and raise up that which is good.  
  • For orderly elections, That Christians would get out and vote. (35,000,000 Christians did not vote in the last election.) 
  • For healing of racial strife. 
  • For God to end the Corvid 19 pandemic and for a healing of the divisions within and without the Church that surround it. 
  • For our schools and our teachers 
  • For repent from the sins within the Church. 
  • For our Children. That we might follow God’s instructions in the bible and guide them and grow them. Protect them. 
  • That the Lawless mocking and unreasonable spirit in this land will be pushed back and destroyed.  
  • For the Healing of Bodies, for Miracles, and for Signs and Wonders in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Attached is the Circles of Prayer Guide Pastor Skip has put together. All of our LIFE Groups are opportunities for prayer – see below for details. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kayla Thompson at 518-586-1606

Circles of Prayer Guide: Download

Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Contact: Todd & Kellie Bilow  |  518-503-4504  |  kellieblow@gmail.com
At Todd & Kellie’s home, 45 Overlook Dr.,Ticonderoga , NY

Wednesdays 6:30 PM via Zoom with Pastor Skip.  Contact fathersorchart@gmail.com or join zoom meeting here https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84334282606

Thursdays 6:30 – 8:00 AM LRC Mens Group via Zoom.  Zoom meeting ID 565 395 9178 and the passcode is 017684.  Contact jtockrin@gmail.com

Thursdays 10:00 – 11;00 AM Nancy Ockrin’s Circle of Prayer Zoom Gathering  Zoom meeting ID 565 395 9178 and the passcode is 017684.  Contact momockrin@gmail.com

Fridays 6:00 PM  Trisch Stonitsch – at the Hague Campus 9803 Graphite Mountain Road   Contact msfm143@gmail.com or 518-546-1685

Sundays – Port Henry Group – Sun 6:30 PM
Contact: Chuck & April Reeder  |  518-942-3311  | creederiii@gmail.com
At Chuck and April Reeder’s home, 3226 Broad Street, Port Henry, NY

Sunday 10:00 AM Youth Group in Hague during service – Grades 6th through 12th. Contact Russell Izzo at 518-253-4735 or russizzo@gmail.com


P.O. Box 111, Ticonderoga, NY 12883
(518) 543-4400
Main Office: